Don't miss last official MAPA Update Meeting of the 2023-2024 School Year!
We'll host Dean of Equity and Inclusion Piya Kashyap and Co-Director of Student Belonging Juliet Dana for a conversation on Belonging@MA.
Hear about the jam-packed spring schedule of MA and MAPA-sponsored events - for students, families, parents and guardians.
You'll also have the chance hear updates from and ask questions of Head of School Travis Brownley.
Our meeting will be on campus and on Zoom. You'll find the Zoom Link below:
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!
MAPA parent volunteers will announce events and provide information about opportunities to get involved. All parents are members of MAPA and everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!
And we'll have plenty of MA spirit wear on hand for purchase as well!
Any questions? Contact [email protected].